5th – 6th Grades
Our vision for preteens is to provide a fun environment where our students feel free to be themselves as they grow in their faith by experiencing biblical truths.
When does EMERGE meet?
Sunday Morning, after Praise Worship in the main sanctuary, the 5th 6th grade students have the opportunity to go to the front of the sanctuary for prayer. After prayer the students are released to go to their classroom until the end of service.
The time is approximately; Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 am.
What Happens in EMERGE?
In Emerge, the students are learning truths about the Bible through interactive study, along with having a time of fellowship and fun with their peers.
The Sunday morning class begins with donuts and juice while the students have the opportunity to “catch up” with their friends.
Next, the students are given the tools for living a Christ-centered life by learning the truths of the bible through interactive activities such as science experiments, drawing, sculpting, music, small group time and much more.
Lastly, at the end of class we allow the students fifteen minutes to play basketball, ping pong, floor soccer, video games, or just sit around and hang out with their friends.
Volunteering at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is one of the Emerge activities that we embark on every year. Emerge kids have the opportunity to serve in our community each time we visit the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. Our mission during one of our visits was to bag multi-grain cheerios. Through the help of our 5th and 6th grade volunteers the food bank was able to provide 1,686 bowls of cereal to those in need.
Thank you to all of our volunteers. We had a fun experience while serving those in need.
Each summer our Emerge kids have the opportunity to go to Camp Victory. This last June we were able to have a lot of fun while we learned to trust God with any thing that may be weighing us down. Our verse for camp was Hebrews 12:1, “Let us strip off every weight that slows us down.” Camp Victory is an exciting time of fellowship, drawing closer to God, and enjoying the outdoors with horseback riding, go-carts, a zip-line, swimming, and much more.
Contact Information for Sherri Johnson, Children’s Pastor – Phone: 405-463-4905 or E-Mail: sjohnson@cotr.tv