About Us
Small Groups
Pastor Rhett Benefiel
I Decree My Season of Quantum Leaps!
I Decree that Now is My Time for Limitless Leaps, Vast Victories and Supernatural Suddenlies
Think Rich
Ever Increasing Faith
Pray and Vote the Kingdom
Prophetic Proclamations for the New Year
God Bless America
How to Live the Joyful, Happy Life Jesus Came to Give You!
You Are A Success
Passover: Redeemed, Raised, and Reigning!
Prophesy Your Future!
Gift of Victory
The Goodness of God
God is Enthroned on Your Praise
Ever Increasing Faith
Trample Over Satan’s Kingdom and Possess My Promises
You are Called and Anointed to Live a Supernatural Life
Your Breakthrough is Fast Approaching
The Power Attitudes
Prophecy the Promises
Your Family – The Gate of Heaven
Ridiculous Favor
God is Doing Something That You’ve Never Seen Before
Think Big, Because You Were Born to Be Epic
Prepare to be Surprised! Expect the Unexpected
Resurrection Sunday
No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper
Don’t Limit God
You are Anointed With Holy Spirit and Power!
The Rewarder of Our Faith
The Brand New You
Pastor Rhett Benefiel
Ambitious Faith
Pastor Rhett Benefiel
The Supernatural Power of Overflowing Joy
Pastor Rhett Benefiel
Unshakable Faith
Pastor Rhett Benefiel